Open Game Play

Open Chess Game Play: All ages and skill-levels welcome!

When: Every Tuesday evening 7:15 pm - 11pm (or so) * * * * * Where: Aurora Turners Club, 1335 Mitchell Rd., in the Banquet Hall, downstairs.

This is just north of Indian Trail, in Aurora, east of Lake Street, west of Farnsworth.

ANCC is affiliated with the US Chess Federation and the Illinois Chess Association.

Monday, April 2, 2012


It's a glorious day outside today, so of course I am thinking about playing chess!  Well, ok, that does not make much sense, but in a way, it does.  Bear with me.

First:  Yes, ANCC will be meeting tomorrow night, 3 April for another installment of our chess club here in Aurora Illinois, meeting at Turners.  I hope to see everyone and anyone there to compete in our on-going rated tourney (for those that have previously registered and are competing), or to play casual (yet still competitive! :)  ) games, and/or to visit and socialize with a great group of people.

Secondly:  This point brings me back to the outside bit.  ANCC will not have access to the downstairs banquet room of Turners on 10 April.  This is one week from tomorrow.  HOWEVER, we can meet in one of the pavilions up by the softball field if we choose to do so.  The pavilions are large, covered of course, and have picnic tables.  If you have an opinion one way or the other, I would love to hear it.  If no one wishes to experience chess 'in the park' kind of feel, I would like to know, as I don't want to be the only one to show up!  So please, please, voice your opinion and thoughts to me concerning club on 10 April, and if we should hold club, or cancel for that night.

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